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Specialist Shop for Trombones and Trumpets

Musical Instruments

Specialist Shop for
Trombones & Trumpets

Especially in the field of music the choice of a good instrument that satisfies a musician’s expectations is dependent on good and competent advice, particularly when professional musicians are critical and discriminating in their choice of instruments. A musical instrument always should meet the individual request of the musicians. It is this fundamental attitude which has been represented from the beginning in “Schmelzer Musical Instruments, Specialist Shop for Trombones and Trumpets”.

Trombones for classical and jazz music.

years of experience

Manufacturing and selling
Trombones and Trumpets



Model Nr.1

Bore 0,500" Bell 195 cm-in Yellow Brass.Goldbrass Satin Gold, silver plated/inside Gold

Model Nr.2

Bore 0,508" 8" Bell in Yeollw Brass,Gold brass Silver/gold

Model Nr.3

Bore 0,525 Bell 8,5" in Yellow BRass,Goldbrass,Copper,Gold Plated

Model Nr.4

Bore 0,547″ 8,5 » Bell

Model Nr.5

Bass Tb nr. 5 Bore 0,562″ 9″ Bell Open Flow Gold Brass & Silver




Mouthpiecemaker and Player by Artie Shaw Band. Air of Note ect.
Plays a Schmelzer nr. 1 Trombone Goldplated.

Doug Elliot

I play the Horn for 10 years every day. I like the sound and how easy it speaks.

Chris BarberGreat Britain

"This is the Horn of my Dreams!!"
Schmelzer Modell nr.3 Copper

Greg BoyerMaceo Parker & Prince

I've played just about every trombone on the market, but I must say that my Schmelzer Model Nr. 2 Trombone tops them all."
"...The first time that I tried it I knew right away that this trombone is something out of the ordianry. It has a beautiful warm sound. It speaks so easy ant its sound is so full that the instrument vibrates in your hands when you play it.
When I play fast lines on it, it responds quicker and more accurately than any other horn that I've ever tried. Its intonation is almost magical. I did not think it was possible to make a trombone so well in tone.... To sum it up: Fellow trombone players: This is the instrument we've all been waiting for!...
P.S. It looks great too. D.S.

Bertil Strandbergplays w. Stockholm Jazz Orch. Jazz Baltica Orch.

Mot Manfred
J`ai essayé presque tous les trombones sur le marché, mais mon Schmelzer Modèle1 reste mon préféré. C`est un trombone extraordinaire, il possède toutes les qualités que ce soit au niveau du son, de la facilité d'émission ou de la coulisse très légère et facile à manier. De plus, c'est un très bel instrument.
I thoroughly enjoy playing it!!
Thank you Manfred
Claude Remacle

Claude RemacleFirst Trombone with "Radio Orchester Brüssel, Belgien"

Modell 1 - Sterling Silber
Ausschnitt aus der CD: "Joe Wulf Quintett - Live at the Stellwerk"
Der Sound hat auf Grund des Materials einen brillanten Klang.

Joe WulfDeutschland




The National Festival “Tourbon” 2025 successfully celebrated its eighth edition! 🎶

From January 22nd to 25th, the University of La Serena became the epicenter of Low…

This Saturday, January 11th, Palencia, Spain comes alive with Schmelzer Trombones! 🎺

This Saturday, January 11th, Palencia, Spain comes alive with Schmelzer Trombones! 🎺 Get ready for…

Attention trombonists and music lovers!

Attention trombonists and music lovers! 🎶 On December 29th in Madrid, Spain, get ready for…

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