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On the 14th and 15th of March, Mr Manfred Schmelzer gave 3 lectures on the occasion of the “Trombone WEEK” in Pamplona, Spain. Together with Marcelo Véliz artist and representative of the brand in Spain.

He told us about the history and the construction process of his famous trombones.

He also explained one of the latest advances in the construction of trombones such as CRYO Tunning, which is a technique where the trombone is subjected to a temperature of -180, the result is that it frees it from tension and stress at the soldering points, leaving the instruments very easy to play, especially in the low and high register.

We would like to thank the organisers of this spectacular event, especially Rubén Velasco, Marco Bellizzi and Juan Carlos Aoiz, for their dedication, their warmth and for making these meetings possible for the trombone community.